What is Deep Learning

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What is Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a type of artificial intelligence.

The goal of AI is to mimic the human brain. 

When you read more about a topic you learn more about that subject.  Usually, that means you can make better logic-based decisions and predictions about that subject.  However, as we all know, there is a limit to the amount, speed and complexity of the information we humans can process. 

AI engines can process information at a much higher volume and faster rate than humans.  The prediction is that as quantum computing becomes more common, AI will become more powerful. 

Deep Learning is a bit different than machine learning in that it can use unstructured data without having to format it before using it, making it very fast and accurate. 

How does AI and Deep Learning keep your business secure?

Deep learning uses two methods to learn and reason:  propagation and backpropagation.  The deep learning algorithm moves through data that builds on each other in propagation. The backpropagation relies on the algorithm to look for errors in predictions. 

Will AI and Deep Learning Replace Humans?

Humans (AME Security Engineers) still have a job to do.  We must train the Deep Learning algorithm what is a malicious threat and what is a benign threat. This is something we do every day. 

All the while the Deep Learning algorithms are ingesting huge volumes of logs. They apply what we have taught them to improve their automated detection and response capabilities on volumes of data. An amount of data that is impossible for a team of Security Engineers to analyze. 

Does EDR use AI and Deep Learning?

Keep in mind the big difference between the EDR (endpoint detection and response) algorithm from traditional AV (antivirus) is that it not only analyzes the signatures or ‘hashes’ of applications, but analyzes how a process or program behaves. This is called behavioral-based detection. 

As the deep learning algorithm has more examples and is learning from our human team, it becomes more “intelligent”. Therefore, improves the automated decisions it makes to block or allow applications and processes.  It can even determine the severity of a threat and automate a device roll back to a previous state or isolate it from a network. 

As you can imagine, this capability is very powerful in stopping modern threats like ransomware.  Our security team is more effective using these next-generation tools, but the tools must have well-trained and experienced security engineers at the helm to make the tools work best for you. 

This is a nice summary of the benefits of using AI in cybersecurity if you want  to read more https://www.cm-alliance.com/cybersecurity-blog/8-benefits-of-using-ai-for-cybersecurity

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