Lessons Learned: Electrical Coop Cyberattack

Lessons Learned: Electric coop cyberattack - it took 17 minutes from entry to encryption of systems and ransom

When we think of cyberattacks on electrical coops, we think of taking down our electrical grid. Operational technologies are modernized for efficiency and safety, but your electrical coop’s greater cyberthreat is what plaques other industries and businesses – data theft, fraud, ransomware. Is your IT side keeping up with the criminal’s strategies? In a recent […]

How Does Ransomware Work?

cyber security policy

Ransomware is a major problem for companies around the globe. Did you know businesses lose about $8,500 per hour because of ransomware-induced downtime, according to Comparitech? The CISA reports that, even though agencies and governments remain vigilant to uphold data security, malicious actors continue to reinvent their ransomware tactics. According to KPMG, the Covid- 19 […]