4 Cyber Security Threats Business Owners Must Be Aware Of

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There are many reasons why many major businesses have transitioned to different types of cloud computing. The cloud offers a great deal of flexibility for companies, allowing them to access programs remotely and maintain a great deal of storage. However, it’s not a foolproof system. Information can be corrupted, programs can crash, and perhaps most concerning, security threats can compromise crucial information.

This is why it’s so important for business owners to consider outsourcing IT. When considering different IT service providers, business owners should look at the disaster recovery services they offer as well as how they handle escalations management. As of 2018, it was estimated that just 72% of all IT service providers offered disaster recovery services. Ideally, IT service providers can also help business owners design programs to prevent disasters from occurring, while also educating employees on good cloud security practices. Below are some of the security threats facing the cloud, as well as how they can be avoided with the aid of strong IT services providers and escalations management experts.

1. Insider Threats

It should not be assumed that the greatest threats to cloud security are outside of the company. For example, if an employee is let go and remains bitter about the job loss, they could potentially steal or delete data if they maintain access to the company’s cloud programs. The best way to ensure that this doesn’t happen is to have a consistent offboarding process after employees quit or are let go. All passwords should be changed and encryptions updated by IT services when necessary and possible. Though this can take time, it’s easier with the help of an IT specialist and ensures security.

Other, less intentional insider threats can be assuaged by ensuring that employees are kept up to date regarding security procedures. Online security should be as much a part of the onboarding process as it is a part of the offboarding process.

2. Hijacked Accounts

The cloud is much more structurally secure than many outdated systems. However, there is the issue of hijacked accounts to contend with. This would involve outsiders gaining access to information through password cracking or phishing emails, along with other techniques. Although much of this issue again can lie with employee mistakes, there are ways through which a cloud system can be better safeguarded. Business owners should discuss escalations management with their IT specialists, and ensuring that permissions are properly managed. There is no reason why every employee should have the permissions necessary to access every piece of information within the company’s cloud. If an employee has a problem that requires access to a more advanced level, they can escalate the issue to a senior adviser with more high-level permissions. The more employees’ access to information is properly managed, the more difficult it would be for a potential hijacker to gain access to important company secrets.

3. Less Secure Applications

During day to day operations, many companies add insecure third party applications to their networks. Although an application may make a process more efficient in the moment, it could open up real security risks for businesses. Therefore, employees should be discouraged from installing any applications on their company computers without first gaining permission. Any new applications should be assessed by an IT specialist before being installed, and third party applications, in general, should be kept to a minimum. Many are completely unnecessary and do more harm than good.

4. Denial Of Service Attacks

Denial of service attacks are particularly damaging, as they shut down your cloud services. Not only are the services unavailable to customers and clients, but the business at large. Cybercriminals sometimes launch these attacks by flooding targets’ systems with a large amount of web traffic that their servers are incapable of handling. This can be prevented by the use of properly-equipped servers that are prepared to handle large scale attacks.

It can be difficult for business owners to independently assess security threats and how to handle escalations management in cases involving cyber attacks. But with the aid of outsourced IT specialists, they can prepare for and deal with risks in an organized manner. The security of a company’s cloud is crucial to its long term success.