7 Qualities of An Excellent Cyber Security Policy

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cyber security policy

Cybercrime is currently on the rise. In 2018 alone, cybercriminals stole over half a billion personal records through data breaches. With the threats evolving every single day, businesses are fighting to save face through enforcing effective cyber security policies.

A cyber security policy creates an organizational framework that stipulates and coordinates a security program that combats the threats. Corporations, both large and small, need to hire data security management for business as part of their safety protocols. Check out seven characteristics of an effective cyber security policy.

1. Purposeful

A comprehensive data security blueprint clearly outlines the different objectives of the measures put in place. The actions undertaken may:

  • Provide an organizational model for implementation.
  • Uphold the different regulatory requirements set up by the government.
  • Protect client and employee sensitive data, with quick response to inquiries and data breach complaints.
  • Mitigating the various cyber security risks faced by the firm.
  • Outline the escalation management protocol.

The objectives give direction to what your business may achieve by implementing the measures.

2. Realistic

Your information security guidelines should encompass the reality of the environment you are working on. Advances in technology dictate that your cyber security should be as critical as physical protection measures. As you write the policy, let all stakeholders contribute to the plan for it to work. The steps should be powerful enough to ward off intruders while being permissive to employees to access the information they need.

3. Inclusivity

Research shows that 95% of data breaches occur due to human error. Contrary to popular opinion, the IT departments are rarely directly responsible. The policy formulated should include all members within the organization with access to data networks and cloud storage. Every staff member needs to understand the directives and share the responsibility in enforcing the measures.

4. Adaptability

Cybercriminal behavior continues to evolve rapidly with the advancement in technology. It’s imperative that the policy equally adapts to the emerging threats. The escalation management can only be possible with regular and targeted audits of your systems. Create a custom policy review plan, whether semi-annual or annual, to look into newer risks and how to combat them. It’s sad to note that over 25% of organizations never test their disaster recovery system in preparation for any eventualities.

5. Achievable

The goals set through the cyber security policy should be attainable. A well-adjusted strategy provides decisive, responsible, and reliable solutions to your data protection needs. The program should account for human error and find ways to minimize the weak links and loose ends within your system.

6. Executable

The blueprint should contain clear strategies that show how you will enforce the methods. It should also point out the expectations, roles, and responsibilities of all staff members concerning the policy. You ought to stipulate the sanctions that policy violators will face for disregarding the rules.

7. Regulated

The cyber security policy should adhere to set guidelines laid down by the government. With the data breach cases and identity theft cases on the rise, the government is tightening the grip on business to assume responsibility. Regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR outline guidelines for specific industries such as health and financial services.

An effective cyber security policy helps your business deal with existing and emerging threats to your networks. Do you need help from certified data security professionals to create a custom blueprint? Contact The AME Group for strategic planning and proactive monitoring of your network systems.