Business Continuity Data Service

How long can you be without your organizational data?  If your answer is anything less than a week, it is time to discuss business continuity for your data.  Let’s talk statistics:


  • 93% of companies that lost their data for 10 days or more during a disaster, filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster.  The National Archives & Records Administration in Washington
  • 30% of all businesses that have a major fire go out of business within a year and 70% fail within five years.  Boston Computing Network.


  • Small companies lose approximately $8,581 per hour of downtime.  Large enterprises can lose $686,250 per hour.  Aberdeen Group.


  • Ransomware netted roughly $325 million in damages worldwide in 2015. Cyber Threat Alliance
  • 51% of IT buyers have experienced a malware attack.  Spiceworks IT Security Report

The integration of technology is at once the most beneficial platform to grow an organization and the most treacherous.  That is why it is critical to safeguard your information in the event of a disaster or attack.  The AME Group’s Business Continuity Data Service is designed to do just that.

A hybrid business continuity and disaster recovery solution, the Business Continuity Data Service backs up your critical information to an appliance at your location which then replicates it to the cloud.  If your servers go down, you do not need to wait days or weeks for repair or replacement.  We will simply toggle the appliance to act as your server so that you can be back in business within minutes!

But what if a disaster occurs and the backup appliance is destroyed?  We can take care of that, too.  We will make the cloud your server, allowing you to get your data from anywhere with a reliable internet connection, leaving you with one less thing to handle.

There is no reason to pay a ridiculous sum of money to get your information released from nefarious cyber criminals.  We have recovered several clients from ransomware attacks, such as Cryptolocker, reducing downtime and keeping their organizations humming along.

Talk with one of our strategic advisors today to get started on your business continuity plans by protecting your critical data.